Polarity Therapy
Polarity Therapy is the art and science of stimulating and balancing the flow of life energy within the human being through touch. The term Polarity relates to one of the fundamental laws of nature, namely the attraction and union of opposites through a balanced middle point. The human body is an energy system like a battery or magnet. It has positive, negative and neuter poles and currents of energy that flow through them.
Polarity Therapy concerns itself with the flow of a very subtle high-frequency energy which in the East is called prana or chi. In the west, we call it life energy. It’s said that the body is a reflection of your thoughts, your beliefs, your emotions and experience. Polarity Therapy is a chance to release your hidden unique gifts. to open up the obstructions, the blockages, the pain, and distortions in the body. It meets you where you are at and inspires positive changes.
The Benefits of Polarity Therapy
Sandra Papiez - Choosing TLC
Licensed Polarity Therapist
The History of Polarity Therapy
Polarity Therapy was developed by Dr. Randolph Stone (adjacent photo), doctor of Osteopathy, Naturopathy and Chiropractic, over a period of 60 years of practice and study which began in 1912 and ended with his retirement at age 83. It represents a synthesis of the health wisdom from the West and the East, where Dr. Stone studied homeopathy, Chinese Acupuncture, the Aryuvedic system of India and folk health practices of many cultures. From these systems he extracted the essential principles of healing and incorporated them into a simple, clear and universally applicable approach to natural healthcare called Polarity Therapy.
Although Sandra did not get the opportunity to meet Dr. Stone, she has studied with many Polarity instructors who have worked with him. Much gratitude to John Bodary, who, by many, is considered the Father of Polarity in Michigan. John spread the knowledge, history, practice and daily value of Polarity to hundreds of students over the years. He is responsible for sponsoring in Michigan other gifted instructors (many who studied directly under Dr. Stone) such as Jim Said, Jim Feil, Ray Castellino, Sharon Porter, Franklin Sills and more---workshops which Sandra had the privilege of attending. Sandra was in John Bodary first class in 1988 and continued to study with him for many years. She also taught with him for a year.
Dr. Randolph Stone 1890-1981
For more information, visit polaritytherapy.org
Contact Sandra Papiez to Schedule a Polarity Therapy Appointment
Interested in learning more about the benefits of Polarity therapy? Contact Sandra for more information or to schedule an appointment today!