IonCleanse Detox Footbath Therapy by AMD
The IonCleanse by AMD detox footbath system is the safest, most thorough and efficient instrument used to cleanse and purify the body. This footbath therapy uses direct current to create an electro-magnetic ionic field in which the client places his feet in a salt water solution with an array. A detoxification process occurs by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph and skin. This device is designed to enhance your body’s natural detoxification process by the use of positive and negative ions. The process is safe, relaxing, and non-invasive, with no harmful side effects. Backed with over 18 years of history and proven research, the IonCleanse by AMD is proudly made in the USA and is the industry leader in footbath detoxification.
Detoxes Exotoxins & Endotoxins
The Benefits of Detox Footbath Therapy
Contact Sandra Papiez for a Detox Footbath Therapy Appointment
Interested in learning more about the benefits of the detoxification footbath therapy? Contact Sandra for more information or an appointment today. To purchase your own IonCleanse Detox Footbath by AMD, click this link or call Glenn Wilheim at 303-755-0112.