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(313) 277-0151

K-1 Whole Body Vibration Plate

The K-1 Whole Body Vibration Plate is a pleasant rocking and rolling action which causes the brain to tell the muscles of your body to actively contract to maintain its equilibrium, thus creating a therapeutic and muscle toning workout. Our K-1 is a TOS (Triangular Oscillating System) which generates systematic involuntary muscle contraction, putting less stress on the joints and ligaments.

An individual stands on the plate, using various positions, for 10 minutes.

The Benefits of K-1 Whole Body Vibration Therapy

  • It enhances blood circulation and lymphatic drainage
  • Increases bone mineral density to combat osteoporosis
  • Increases muscle strength
  • Increases metabolic rate critical for weight loss
  • Increases the body’s ability to balance
  • Reduces pain by more blood flow
  • Reduces back pain and stiffness
  • Elevates HGH (human growth hormone, testosterone, collagen (for healthy skin)
  • Elevates Serotonin production (feel good hormone)
  • Suppresses cortisol (hormone produced by stress)

Contact Sandra Papiez for an K-1 Whole Vibration Plate Appointment

Interested in learning more about the benefits of K-1 Vibration therapy?  Contact Sandra for more information or to schedule an appointment today!

K1 Vibration Plate